File: popup.js
/** * Smart Popunder maker. * This class provides an easy way to make a popunder. * Avoid blocked on Google Chrome * * Note: For Google Chrome, to avoid blocked so each popunder will be fired by each click. * * @author: Phan Thanh Cong aka chiplove <ptcong90@gmail.com> * @license: MIT * * Edit by: Rafel Sansó <rafel.sanso@gmail.com> * * Changelog * * version; Apr 23, 2015 * - Eventually, the popup doesn't launch. To prevent this I comment lines 174, 180 and 208 * */ (function(window){ "use strict"; var Popunder = function(url, options){ this.__construct(url, options); }, counter = 0, lastPopTime = 0, alertCalled = false, baseName = 'LCPopunder', parent = top != self ? top : self, userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), browser = { webkit: /webkit/.test(userAgent), mozilla: /mozilla/.test(userAgent) && !/(compatible|webkit)/.test(userAgent), chrome: /chrome/.test(userAgent), msie: /msie|trident\//.test(userAgent) && !/opera/.test(userAgent), firefox: /firefox/.test(userAgent), safari: /safari/.test(userAgent) && !/chrome/.test(userAgent), opera: /opera/.test(userAgent), version: parseInt(userAgent.match(/(?:[^\s]+(?:ri|ox|me|ra)\/|trident\/.*?rv:)([\d]+)/i)[1], 10) }, helper = { simulateClick: function(url) { var a = document.createElement("a"), nothing = "", evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); a.href = url || "data:text/html,<script>window.close();<\/script>;"; document.body.appendChild(a); evt.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, true, false, false, true, 0, null); a.dispatchEvent(evt); a.parentNode.removeChild(a); }, blur: function(popunder) { try { popunder.blur(); popunder.opener.window.focus(); window.self.window.focus(); window.focus(); if (browser.firefox) { this.openCloseWindow(popunder); } else if (browser.webkit) { // try to blur popunder window on chrome // but not works on chrome 41 // so we should wrap this to avoid chrome display warning if (!browser.chrome || (browser.chrome && browser.version < 41)) { this.openCloseTab(); } } else if (browser.msie) { setTimeout(function() { popunder.blur(); popunder.opener.window.focus(); window.self.window.focus(); window.focus(); }, 1000); } } catch(err) {} }, openCloseWindow: function(popunder) { var tmp = popunder.window.open("about:blank"); tmp.focus(); tmp.close(); setTimeout(function() { try { tmp = popunder.window.open("about:blank"); tmp.focus(); tmp.close(); } catch (e) {} }, 1); }, openCloseTab: function() { this.simulateClick(); }, detachEvent: function(event, callback, object) { var object = object || window; if (!object.removeEventListener) { return object.detachEvent("on" + event, callback); } return object.removeEventListener(event, callback); }, attachEvent: function(event, callback, object) { var object = object || window; if (!object.addEventListener) { return object.attachEvent("on" + event, callback); } return object.addEventListener(event, callback); }, mergeObject: function() { var obj = {}, i, k; for(i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { for (k in arguments[i]) { obj[k] = arguments[i][k]; } } return obj; }, getCookie: function(name) { var cookieMatch = document.cookie.match(new RegExp(name+"=[^;]+", "i")); return cookieMatch ? decodeURIComponent(cookieMatch[0].split("=")[1]) : null; }, setCookie: function(name, value, expires, path) { // expires must be number of minutes or instance of Date; if(expires === null || typeof expires == 'undefined') { expires = ''; } else { var date; if (typeof expires == 'number') { date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + expires * 60 * 1e3); } else { date = expires; } expires = "; expires=" + date.toUTCString(); } document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + expires + "; path=" + (path || '/'); } }; Popunder.prototype = { defaultWindowOptions: { width : window.screen.width, height : window.screen.height, left : 0, top : 0, location : 1, toolbar : 1, status : 1, menubar : 1, scrollbars : 1, resizable : 1 }, defaultPopOptions: { cookieExpires : null, // in minutes cookiePath : '/', newTab : true, blur : true, blurByAlert : false, // chromeDelay : 500, smart : false, // for feature, if browsers block event click to window/body beforeOpen : function(){}, afterOpen : function(){} }, // Must use the options to create a new window in chrome __chromeNewWindowOptions: { scrollbars : 0 }, __construct: function(url, options) { this.url = url; this.index = counter++; this.name = baseName + '_' + (this.index); this.executed = false; this.setOptions(options); this.register(); }, register: function() { //if (this.isExecuted()) return; var self = this, w, i, elements = [], eventName = 'click', run = function(e) { // e.preventDefault(); //if (self.shouldExecute()) { lastPopTime = new Date().getTime(); self.setExecuted(); self.options.beforeOpen.call(undefined, this); if (self.options.newTab) { if (browser.chrome && browser.version > 30 && self.options.blur) { window.open('javascript:window.focus()', '_self', ''); helper.simulateClick(self.url); w = null; } else { w = parent.window.open(self.url, '_blank'); setTimeout(function(){ if (!alertCalled && self.options.blurByAlert) { alertCalled = true; alert(); } }, 3); } } else { w = parent.window.open(self.url, this.url, self.getParams()); } if (self.options.blur) { helper.blur(w); } self.options.afterOpen.call(undefined, this); for(i in elements) { helper.detachEvent(eventName, run, elements[i]); } //} }, inject = function(e){ if (self.isExecuted()) { helper.detachEvent('mousemove', inject); return; } try { if (e.originalTarget && typeof e.originalTarget[self.name] == 'undefined') { e.originalTarget[self.name] = true; helper.attachEvent(eventName, run, e.originalTarget); elements.push(e.originalTarget); } } catch(err) {} }; // smart injection if (this.options.smart) { helper.attachEvent('mousemove', inject); } else { helper.attachEvent(eventName, run, window); elements.push(window); helper.attachEvent(eventName, run, document); elements.push(document); } }, shouldExecute: function() { if (browser.chrome && lastPopTime && lastPopTime + this.options.chromeDelay > new Date().getTime()) { return false; } return !this.isExecuted(); }, isExecuted: function() { return this.executed || !!helper.getCookie(this.name); }, setExecuted: function() { this.executed = true; helper.setCookie(this.name, 1, this.options.cookieExpires, this.options.cookiePath); }, setOptions: function(options) { this.options = helper.mergeObject(this.defaultWindowOptions, this.defaultPopOptions, options || {}); if (!this.options.newTab && browser.chrome) { for(var k in this.__chromeNewWindowOptions) { this.options[k] = this.__chromeNewWindowOptions[k]; } } }, getParams: function() { var params = '', k; for (k in this.options) { if (typeof this.defaultWindowOptions[k] != 'undefined') { params += (params ? "," : "") + k + "=" + this.options[k]; } } return params; } }; Popunder.make = function(url, options) { return new this(url, options); }; window.SmartPopunder = Popunder; })(window);