File: README.md
# Javascript Smart Popunder Maker (variation) * This class provides an easy way to make a popunder * Avoid blocked on Google Chrome * **Note**: _For Google Chrome, to avoid blocked so each popunder will be fired by each click. You may increase `chromeDelay` option to pass Chrome Popup Blocker._ ----- * @author: Phan Thanh Cong <ptcong90@gmail.com> * @license: MIT * Edited by Rafel Sansó ### Change logs ##### version; Apr 23, 2015 * Eventually, the popup doesn't launch. To prevent this I comment lines 174, 180 and 208. ### Usage * By defaults, popunder flags will work on each browser session that mean if you restart the browser, the popup will fire again. Of course, you may change the behavior by `cookieExpires` (number of minutes or instance of Date). * You have the general options with default values for popunder on new window: * `width : window.screen.width` * `height : window.screen.height` * `left : 0` * `top : 0` * `location : 1` * `toolbar : 1` * `status : 1` * `menubar : 1` * `scrollbars : 1` * `resizable : 1` * Options of Smart Popunder and default value: * `cookieExpires : null` // in minutes * `cookiePath : '/'` // path for cookie * `newTab : true` // Make pop on new tab or new windows ? * `blur : true` // Blur popunder if use new windows, **update** not works in Chrome 41+ * `blurByAlert : false` // For firefox, safari if open on newTab (will show an alert to force focus the current window) * `chromeDelay : 500` // **Increase the value if Chrome show popunder blocked message.** * `smart : false` // for feature, if browsers block event click to window/body * `beforeOpen : function(){}` // before open callback * `afterOpen : function(){}` // after open callback ### Usage <script type="text/javascript" src="popup.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // make pop on new tab SmartPopunder.make('http://domain.com', {newTab: true}); // make pop on new window with size 100x100 SmartPopunder.make('http://domain.com', {width: 100, height: 100, newTab: false}); // use cookie expires on 12 hours SmartPopunder.make('http://domain.com', {cookieExpires: 60 * 12}); // @since 2.3 SmartPopunder.make('http://example.com/newtab', { newTab: true, beforeOpen: function(pop) { console.log(pop); alert('before fired'); }, afterOpen: function(pop) { console.log(pop); alert('after fired'); } }); </script>